The unlikely home of our ingredient wasabi


Martin Gratzer, Co-creador de BIOGENA ONE, entrenador personal y exdeportista

The unlikely home of our ingredient wasabi

Are you curious about wasabi and its health benefits? Discover how this exotic ingredient in BIOGENA ONE boosts your overall wellbeing. Learn about wasabi, where it comes from, why quality is so important to us and how it can improve your health.

Premium wasabi from Pannonia, Austria

The region of Pannonia in the Austrian province of Burgenland is not the place you would traditionally associate with wasabi. After all, wasn’t wasabi only growing in Japan due to its unique soil and climatic needs? Well, not anymore. Meet PhytonIQ, the forward-thinking company that has beaten the odds to grow wasabi right in Austria. This innovative company has successfully simulated the unique cultivating conditions wasabi needs right within their indoor farm. The wasabi you find in BIOGENA ONE thrives in cool, dim, frost-free conditions, nourished by mineral and oxygen-rich flowing water, all under careful supervision.

Their wasabi yields zero waste as every leaf and every stem is harvestable. Although the employees do not use any pesticides, these plants aren't officially organic certified yet. This is purely due to the lack of certification for plants grown without soil. However, they are pesticide-free and all-natural, that's what matters to us the most.

Wasabi: a real powerhouse for your wellbeing 

Wasabi does not only add a crisp taste but comes packed with a lot of health benefits.

  • Wasabi promotes a healthy digestion: Its sharpness boosts the production of digestive enzymes. This helps your body break down food more efficiently and makes it easier to absorb important nutrients.

  • Wasabi has antibiotic properties: It helps your immune system to fight off bacteria and viruses, keeping you healthier overall. Much of this antibiotic effect comes from so called Isothiocyanates - potent compounds of wasabi known for their wide range of health-related benefits. They are even said to have inhibitory effects on cancer. 

  • Wasabi reduces inflammation: It contains a huge amount of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, that helps combat harmful free radicals in your body. In addition, it contributes significantly to the anti-inflammatory response in your body and helps to relieve inflammation and related discomfort.

But how do you get the necessary daily dose of wasabi into your diet without having to eat tons of spicy wasabi paste everyday? 

BIOGENA ONE Green Drink Pulver, wie es sich im Wasser löst

BIOGENA ONE with premium wasabi

The solution is quite simple: Each daily serving of BIOGENA ONE contains 50mg of wasabi leaf powder. 

BIOGENA ONE stands out as the only supplement drink worldwide that sources high quality premium wasabi directly from the region of Pannonia, Austria. This makes your wasabi intake as easy as enjoying your favorite daily beverage.

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