Answers & Help
Get all your open questions answered and make ONE your best purchase decision.
We understand that it's difficult to choose a new dietary supplement these days. That's why we hope to support you in making the best decision with full transparency and our extensive help section.
Account & Subscription

How can I make changes to my subscription?
It depends on the type of your subscription and the timing.
Within the minimum runtime you can not change things on your own.
After that, you can pause, postpone and cancel your subscription easily in the customer account.
Login and check the link at the bottom of your orders overview to manage your subscriptions.
How can I pause my subscription?
It depends on the type of your subscription and the timing.
Within the minimum runtime you can not change things on your own.
After that, you can pause, postpone and cancel your subscription easily via the customer account.
Login and check the link at the bottom of your orders overview to manage your subscriptions.
How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription ahead of the automated renewal after the minimum runtime.
Renewal orders are placed 30 days after your first order respective last reorder at the time of your original purchase.
Login and check the link at the bottom of your orders overview to manage your subscriptions.
Can I use my login?
Unfortunately you can not use your login here at the moment.
However, we are releasing this solution In January 2025.
How can I log into my account?
Please click on the account icon on the top right and enter your email address and password.
You can easily reset the password and a link to login will be sent to your email inbox.
How do I create a BIOGENA ONE customer account?
Creating a ONE customer account is just a few simple steps away:
- First, put your desired product into the shopping cart.
- Once you’re in the cart, you’ll see all the items you've selected. Here, you will also find a ‘Login' button. Simply click on it.
- You'll be redirected to a new page. Here, you can see an option to create a new account. Click on it and enter the necessary information to create your customer account.
Product & ingredients

How is the green color of BIOGENA ONE created?
BIOGENA ONE contains no artificial colorants. The green color is 100% natural, derived from the botanicals and algae it contains.
How do I know if ONE is right for me?
If you're struggling with eating enough fruits and vegetables every day to get your vitamins, minerals and the like, food supplements can help to close the gap.
BIOGENA ONE was developed for adults of all ages and their basic demand of nutrients.
BIOGENA ONE is not suitable for children and adolescents under 14 years, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
How long does it take to see benefits?
How ONE impacts you, depends on different aspects such as your general health, your nutrition habits, sleep routine, stress, physical activities and also genetics.
Some people who take ONE regularly for a few days reported already perceived benefits, while for others it took some weeks or few months.
As a rule, you should use the product for at least 3 to 4 weeks to feel an effect. But other factors such as general health, eating habits, sleep routine, stress, physical activity, genetics and your own lifestyle are also individual conditions that can determine how you perceive the effects of BIOGENA ONE.
How does BIOGENA ONE taste?
Compared to many other greens, test subjects in blind taste tests explicitly described the taste of BIOGENA ONE as superior: natural, pleasant, fruity, but not sweet.
The taste of BIOGENA ONE is no coincidence: it is the result of months of intensive and passionate testing by our scientists and nutrition experts to find the best balance of our high-quality ingredients.
Which ingredients does BIOGENA ONE contain?
BIOGENA ONE combines the power of 99 high-quality ingredients, including all 13 vitamins, 11 minerals and trace elements, 49 selected botanicals, 3 amino acids, 10 lacto- and bifidobacterial strains, 4 carotenoids, 2 medicinal mushrooms and algae, and 5 other substances, including ubiquinol, trans-resveratrol, quercetin, taurine, and beta-glucans. In addition to all these, BIOGENA ONE offers the refreshing taste of apple and kiwi, supplemented with cucumber and a slightly invigorating twist of wasabi leaf powder. This exclusive wasabi leaf powder comes from an indoor farming factory in Pannonia. It is grown with 100% renewable energy and without pesticides, providing a clean and intense flavor. Polyphenols in BIOGENA ONE come from grapes, grape seeds, pomegranate, olive leaf, blueberries, black currants, and citrus fruits. It includes the polyphenol trans-resveratrol, which is naturally present in red wine, as well as quercetin, often referred to as the "King of Flavonoids." Other ingredients include glucoraphanin from broccoli, the carotenoids astaxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, and lycopene, the amino acids L-glutamine, L-lysine, and glycine, the amino acid derivative taurine, the algae spirulina and chlorella, the medicinal mushrooms reishi and cordyceps, and the coenzyme Q10 in its immediately available, active form ubiquinol (KANEKA Ubiquinol™). With this powerful combination of ingredients, BIOGENA ONE offers a wide range of essential nutrients and benefits for a healthy diet and active lifestyle.
Does a serving of BIOGENA ONE fully cover my daily need for micronutrients, such as magnesium?
The daily requirement for micronutrients, including magnesium, can vary individually. Factors such as genetic aspects, age, sex, general health, physical activity, stress levels, and the quality of your diet all play important roles. In particular, your need for magnesium can also change depending on your lifestyle. For instance, athletes, pregnant women, older people, or people with certain chronic diseases may need more magnesium than others.
To determine your exact requirement for micronutrients, we recommend that you have a full blood analysis done. This comprehensive test can help identify existing deficiencies and create a tailored dietary or supplement plan. BIOGENA ONE supports your daily dietary plan by providing a range of valuable micronutrients in a convenient form. It should be considered part of a balanced, nutrient-rich dietary strategy. However, individual needs for nutrients such as iron, magnesium, or calcium can be higher and might need to be taken in additional amounts. This is the case with most multivitamin preparations.
How stable is the Vitamin C and other substances contained in BIOGENA ONE?
Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning it prevents oxidation. Under airtight conditions, like in the sealed sticks of BIOGENA ONE, it is very stable - as are the other substances.
Can I consume BIOGENA ONE when I have a food allergy?
If you have an allergy or intolerance to any of the ingredients contained, we advise against consuming the product. Alternatively, we recommend our Multispectrum 24/7®. It provides a sensible basic supply of the entire vitamin spectrum, essential trace elements, and valuable plant substances. The comprehensive combination of 27 nutrients is the ideal vitamin and mineral supplement – especially when there's an increased need.
Is it possible that I react to certain ingredients in BIOGENA ONE?
BIOGENA ONE has excellent tolerability - the intake is also possible with a histamine intolerance. Because the content of fructose, sorbitol and similar sugars is very low, BIOGENA ONE is even compatible with a weak intolerance to these substances. In case of an allergy or strong intolerance to any of the ingredients, BIOGENA ONE is unsuitable for intake. In case of doubt, always consult your doctor.
How are the “apple” and “kiwi” flavors added to BIOGENA ONE? Are they heated during the process?
The apple and kiwi powder are heated during the manufacturing process - but not during the process of adding it to BIOGENA ONE. The powders are only mixed in. Unfortunately, we do not know how high the heating temperature is during the manufacturing process. Therefore, we do not have any further information about the apple and kiwi allergens that decompose when heated. The only option would be to test BIOGENA ONE individually in very small quantities first - if you do not tolerate it, you can also send the product back.
Why does BIOGENA ONE contain sucralose?
We use sucralose in our products as an alternative to sugar because sugar can have negative effects on insulin levels and dental health. Sucralose is a well-researched sweetener that is safe for human consumption in small amounts. It is widely used in the food industry, and the amount we use in our products is far below the statutory safety guidelines. Studies that point to potential side effects often refer to significantly higher amounts that would not be reached under normal circumstances. Therefore, we can say that the sucralose in our products is not harmful to your health.
Can the sucralose contained in BIOGENA ONE cause weight gain?
The daily intake of sucralose within normal limits is deemed safe by health authorities, which accounts for the numerous sucralose-sweetened products available on the market. The assumption that sucralose might cause weight gain is incorrect. Studies that have identified a correlation actually show that overweight individuals often turn to sweeteners in an effort to reduce their calorie intake. In short, sucralose does not lead to weight gain; rather, weight gain leads to an increased consumption of sweeteners.
Does the sucralose contained in BIOGENA ONE have effects on the gut?
When looking at suggestions that sucralose might influence gut flora, it's important to note that these findings predominantly come from experiments on mice where they were given very high quantities of the substance. During normal consumption, these amounts are not approached, and the legal safety guidelines are significantly undercut.
Does the sucralose contained in BIOGENA ONE affect the taste?
BIOGENA ONE contains less than a fifth of the amount of sucralose found in a 0.5l bottle of a typical sugarfree lemonade. The particularly small quantities also eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste typically associated with sweetener-containing drinks. On the contrary, sucralose pleasantly complements the taste of our preparations. Overall, this results in a well-tolerated, delicious, and absolutely safe product for daily use.
Why is there no Omega-3 in BIOGENA ONE?
Unfortunately, it was not possible to integrate a meaningful dosage of omega-3 in the effective EPA/DHA form, as it would have significantly negatively impacted the taste and solubility of the product. However, we do offer a rich assortment of high-quality (vegan) omega-3 products in both liquid and capsule form. Please take a look at our product range on the BIOGENA website for more information.
What are the bacterial cultures in BIOGENA ONE and where do they come from?
ONE contains 10 scientifically documented bacterial strains (lacto- and bifidobacterial strains) from the premium manufacturer NordBiotic™. The 10 intestinal bacterial strains used here from NordBiotic™ showed highly intriguing positive scientific results in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.* Here, the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome could be improved significantly.
*(Skrzydło-Radomańska et al., 2021) -
What distinguishes BIOGENA ONE from other dietary supplements?
Besides its fruity taste, BIOGENA ONE is the only supplement drink worldwide that combines exclusive Wasabi from PhytonIQ in Austria, Coenzyme Q10 in the highly bioavailable Ubiquinol form, and Probiotics from Nordbiotic™ in this effective combination.
Should I take other supplements in addition to BIOGENA ONE?
That depends very much on your personal lifestyle, diet, exercise, and sleep. For example, additional Omega 3 fatty acids can make sense, especially with a diet low in fish or a vegan diet.
How can I compare BIOGENA ONE with other supplements?
Due to its globally unique composition, BIOGENA ONE cannot be directly compared to other products. However, we generally recommend using the ingredients list for a comparison.
What sets BIOGENA ONE apart from AG1?
BIOGENA ONE and AG1 differ in various aspects. Unlike AG1, we produce our products exclusively in Austria, which adheres to high quality standards. With BIOGENA ONE, as with all our other products, we place great emphasis on transparency and provide extensive information on ingredients.
In terms of ingredients, BIOGENA ONE additionally contains Vitamin D and coenzyme Q10 in the more available ubiquinol form, as well as Wasabi from Burgenland and much more.
Another significant difference might be the taste. Although this is subjective, many customers have reported preferring the taste of BIOGENA ONE.
Is BIOGENA ONE suitable for a KETO diet?
Yes, BIOGENA ONE is suitable for keto. Each stick contains 5.8 g of carbohydrates, of which 1 g is sugar (of which 0.3 g is fructose).
Does BIOGENA ONE help with weight loss?
BIOGENA ONE can aid the body in losing weight, as a good supply of micronutrients also supports the energy metabolism. In addition, the micronutrients can help prevent potential micronutrient deficiency when reducing caloric intake or increasing physical activity.
BIOGENA ONE can be taken directly after a meal. This improves the uptake of fat-soluble vitamins.
Is BIOGENA ONE organic?
Some of the ingredients in BIOGENA ONE come from organic farming, but not all raw materials are available in organic quality. Moreover, due to the vitamins and minerals contained, it is not legally possible to certify BIOGENA ONE as organic. However, we value high-quality raw materials and conduct thorough investigations for pesticides and heavy metals. This ensures the high purity of BIOGENA ONE.
Is BIOGENA ONE tested for heavy metals?
Our production meets the highest quality standards, ensured by the independent quality assurance of the LEFO Institute. The institute is one of the leading quality assurance laboratories in Germany and has developed a test cycle with a seamless two-stage quality assurance system specifically for the uncompromising BIOGENA quality standards. Every batch of BIOGENA product undergoes a detailed analysis for determining components, microbiological quality, and for any presence of heavy metals, pesticides etc.
The production of BIOGENA ONE is 100% transparent according to Austrian manufacturing standards according to ISO 22:000 and GMP standards.
How many calories does BIOGENA ONE have?
One serving of BIOGENA ONE has 31 kcal.
Is BIOGENA ONE NSF certified?
No, currently not, but we are on the Cologne List®, which can be seen as an equivalent to NSF. The use of dietary supplements is widespread among athletes in particular phases of their training routine at all levels of sport. Unfortunately, positive doping tests result repeatedly from contaminated supplements. To best protect athletes from such a scenario, the Cologne List® was created as an initiative for doping prevention. The products on the Cologne List® are regularly tested for doping substances by a worldwide leading laboratory in dietary supplement analysis.
Application of the product

How do I prepare my BIOGENA ONE?
ONE tastes best when it is dissolved in at least 300 ml of cold water. 300 ml of water provides a good ratio between powder and water. If you prefer a lighter taste, you can also use more liquid. Shake well or stir with a spoon until the powder is properly dissolved. Cold water influences the taste experience. You can also use ice cubes if you want to enjoy ONE particularly cold.
When is the best time of day to take BIOGENA ONE?
We recommend that you use BIOGENA ONE every morning to establish your healthy routine. This way you also start the day off with a good amount of liquid. In principle, you can drink your BIOGENA ONE at any time of the day. It is also possible to combine ONE with a meal.
Can I mix BIOGENA ONE into other drinks or food?
Yes, you can. But please note that the pleasant taste of ONE is connected to dissolving it into cold water. And make sure not to mix it into hot liquids which could reduce the efficacy of some nutrients. Of course you can also blend it into a smoothie or add it to milk or yoghurt.
Should I drink ONE every day?
Yes, we actually recommend drinking ONE every day. ONE was designed with the goal of providing you with the necessary nutrients on a daily basis and supporting your active lifestyle. It's perfect for your daily routine and offers an easy way for you to feel healthy and full of energy.
Can I take more than one sachet per day?
Generally, we recommend taking 1 serving (meaning 1 sachet) of BIOGENA ONE per day. However, if you feel like it and think you need the additional nutrients due to your current life situation, go ahead and treat yourself to a second serving! BIOGENA ONE is designed to provide you with the nutrients you need daily, and is flexible enough to adapt to your personal needs. These can vary from day to day, especially if you exercise a lot, travel, or have a stressful situation to handle.
How long does a pack of BIOGENA ONE last?
A pack of ONE contains 30 sachets, each containing a 10g daily serving. So, if you use one stick of ONE each day, a pack should last you exactly 30 days.
How long should I wait to eat after consuming BIOGENA ONE?
You do not have to wait at all. You can combine BIOGENA ONE with food, meaning you can drink it immediately before, during, or after eating.
How long should I wait after consuming BIOGENA ONE before I drink coffee?
Ideally, you should wait at least 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after drinking BIOGENA ONE to enjoy coffee.
Does BIOGENA ONE expire?
Yes. Please refer to the expiration date which is printed on each individual sachet.
Should I take BIOGENA ONE in the morning?
We recommend taking ONE every day in the morning to establish your healthy routine. This way it also helps you to start with a good dose of water into your day.
There's no need to combine ONE with the intake of food. And if it fits your routine better, you can take ONE at other times during your day.
Why do certain ingredients in BIOGENA ONE settle over time?
There are certain components of minerals or plant extracts that do not dissolve in water. This is unfortunately unavoidable. We recommend shaking the drink again if it has been left standing for a while and substances have settled.
What's the best way to store BIOGENA ONE?
To effectively store BIOGENA ONE, we recommend keeping it at room temperature, in a dry place, and protected from light. It's also important to protect BIOGENA ONE from heat. Additionally, BIOGENA ONE should be kept out of the reach of children to ensure that individual sachets remain airtight.
Can I consume BIOGENA ONE during pregnancy?
Due to the lack of studies on many herbal compounds in pregnant individuals, we cannot give a clear recommendation on taking BIOGENA ONE during pregnancy. It would be best to discuss this with your gynecologist.
Is BIOGENA ONE suitable for children?
BIOGENA ONE is not suitable for infants, children, and adolescents under the age of 14. For older children and teenagers, individual consultation about nutritional needs is always advisable. If you have questions or uncertainties, we recommend consulting with a doctor.
Can I take BIOGENA ONE if I practice intermittent fasting?
Yes, the intake is possible during an intermittent fast. The energy content of BIOGENA ONE is very low (31 kcal), so that it will not interrupt the fasting process.
Which diet is BIOGENA ONE suitable for?
BIOGENA ONE is an excellent choice for various diets thanks to its consciously selected ingredients. It doesn't contain any sugar, gluten, or dairy products. It's also nut-free, doesn't contain any artificial dyes, and is made without pesticides. Therefore, it's suitable for most dietary needs and lifestyles. With BIOGENA ONE, you can be sure that you're getting a high-quality dietary supplement that's free from many common allergens and additives.
Can I consume BIOGENA ONE if I am taking prescription medication?
If you are taking prescription medication, there could be interactions with certain ingredients in dietary supplements. Therefore, we recommend that you always consult your doctor before taking BIOGENA ONE (or any other supplement). He or she knows your health situation best and can advise which products are safe for you to use.
Does BIOGENA ONE need to be consumed immediately after mixing?
No, it's not necessary to drink your mixed ONE immediately. If you need to store it overnight, it's best to keep it in the refrigerator. However, it should not be stored for longer than a day.
Order & shipment

How fast do you ship ONE?
We ship from our warehouse in Austria across Europe, so it takes 2-5 business days to arrive on your site.
To which countries is ONE shipped?
We ship ONE directly from our central warehouse in Austria to all countries in the EU, as well as to Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Currently, delivery is free of charge. This allows our customers in many different countries to enjoy the benefits of ONE, regardless of their location.
What payment methods are available for BIOGENA ONE?
We accept the following payment methods for BIOGENA ONE:
- American Express
- Apple Pay (not for subscriptions)
- EPS transfer
- Google Pay
- Klarna
- Maestro
- Mastercard
- Paypal
- Shop Pay
- UnionPay
- Visa
Where is BIOGENA ONE available?
The BIOGENA ONE Starter Bundle can be purchased directly at one of our numerous BIOGENA shops or ordered online. For the utmost convenience and regular deliveries, you can subscribe - please note that this is possible exclusively on our website. This way, you'll get your BIOGENA ONE regularly and conveniently delivered right to your home.
How is the price for BIOGENA ONE determined?
The price for our product BIOGENA ONE is made up of several components: First, we exclusively use high-quality ingredients from selected suppliers, whose quality we regularly check. Second, at BIOGENA, we manufacture all our products in Austria. This way, we secure local jobs and support our homeland with our taxes and levies. Third, BIOGENA ONE is a 100% clean label product without hidden additives. Finally, all our batches are checked for cleanliness and content by an independent laboratory.
Is there a discount code for BIOGENA ONE?
If there's a discount code currently available, you'll find all relevant information about it on our homepage or on our social media channels. We recommend you visit our site and channels regularly to stay informed about our latest offers and promotions.
Why is my BIOGENA ONE discount code not working?
Our discount codes generally cannot be applied to already discounted products. In addition, combining discounts, such as multiple discount codes in one order or discount codes in combination with gift vouchers, is unfortunately not possible. Please check the conditions of your discount code or contact us if you need further assistance.
What are the shipping fees?
Currently shipping is free.
My shipment seems lost - what to do?
Please be so kind to contact us at so we can work on a fast resolution.
How can I return BIOGENA ONE and get a refund?
Please be so kind to contact us at so we can work on a fast resolution.
How do I get an invoice for BIOGENA ONE?
Please be so kind to contact us at so we can process the invoice for you.
Why did I not receive an order confirmation?
Please check your spam folder. We send an email for all important updates to the email address you provided during the order process.
How can I change my BIOGENA ONE order?
Please contact our customer service at
How can I cancel my BIOGENA ONE order?
Please contact our customer service at
Will I receive a notification as soon as my BIOGENA ONE order has been shipped?
Yes, we will send an email for all important updates to the email address you provided during the order process.
Where is my BIOGENA ONE order currently?
As soon as we have handed over your order to the shipping service provider, you will receive a notification by email.
How does the money back guarantee work for BIOGENA ONE?
You can cancel your contract within a period of 30 days without giving reasons if the product has not been consumed by more than half. The period begins on the day of delivery of the goods. For the cancellation to be considered timely, it is sufficient for the declaration of cancellation to be sent within this period. Please check out the terms and conditions for more.
Other questions

How can I request an influencer collaboration with BIOGENA ONE?
Thank you for your interest in working with us! Please send a brief email with your insights and your media kit to our colleagues in charge of influencer marketing. The email address is: ecommerce@biogena.comThey will get back to you as soon as possible.
How can I become an UGC creator for BIOGENA ONE?
Hi, thank you for your interest in working with us! Please send a brief email including a short introduction and your portfolio to our colleagues in charge of influencer and UGC marketing. The email address is: ecommerce@biogena.comThey will get back to you as soon as possible.
Can I work as affiliate marketing partner for ONE?
Yes, you can sign up as marketing / affiliate partner here.