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ONE 2-day trial

ONE 2-day trial

Test ONE's application and taste

  • 2 convenient daily portions
  • Test our pleasent taste at home
  • Enjoy, compare & decide for the best
Regular price 800 Ft
Regular price Sale price 800 Ft
VAT included and free delivery & return
  • Fruity taste
  • 100% vegan
  • No sugar

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Delivered within 2-6 days

Product Information

  • 99 premium ingredients for your health *
  • pleasant taste of apple and kiwi
  • natural support of your energy metabolism *
  • perfect to support your mental and sporting goals *
  • transparent premium quality
  • complements your balanced diet *
  • BIOGENA ONE is a product on the Cologne List®

Your daily morning routine made easy

Dissolve the contents of one stick (10 g) daily in a bottle or glass with cold water (250-300 ml).

Shake it well or stir with a spoon to dissolve the powder properly.

BIOGENA ONE can be used in many ways, including:

  • For breakfast to start your day
  • As a healthy refreshment before your workout
  • To support your regeneration after sport*
  • As a nutrient-rich drink for in between meals
  • To support your essential vitamin and mineral intake
  • For your daily wellbeing routine


Apfel-Fruchtpulver, natürliche Aromen, Kaliumcitrat, Gurken-Fruchtpulver (7,6 %), Calciumcitrat, Magnesiumcitrat, Calcium-L-ascorbat, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure; Kiwi-Fruchtpulver, Spirulina platensis (enthält Sulfite), Inulin aus Zichorienwurzel, Moringa-Blattpulver, L-Glutamin, Glycin, Akazienfaser, Gerstengras-Pulver, Weizengras-Pulver, Karotten-Pulver, Lacto- und Bifidobakterienpulver**, Grüne-Minze-Pulver, Baobab-Fruchtfleisch, Spinat-Pulver, Brokkoli-Pulver, Açaí-Fruchtpulver, Sellerie-Pulver, Grünkohl-Pulver, Chlorella-vulgaris-Pulver (enthält Sulfite), Ubiquinol (enthält Soja), Taurin, L-Lysin-Hydrochlorid, Wasabi-Blattpulver, Papaya-Pulver, Acerola-Fruchtsaftpulver, Matcha-Pulver, Reishi-Pulver, Nicotinamid, Amla-Extrakt, D-alpha-Tocopherylacetat, Bambus-Extrakt (enthält Silizium), Beta-Glucane aus Hefe (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Brokkoli-Extrakt, Heidelbeer-Extrakt, Schwarze-Johannisbeere-Extrakt, Artischocken-Saftpulver, Bitterme­lonen-Extrakt, Ginseng-Wurzelextrakt, Ginkgo-Blattpulver, Maca-Extrakt, Aloe-vera-Gelextrakt, Kürbiskern-Extrakt, Brennnessel-Blattextrakt, Cordyceps-Pulver, astaxanthinreiches Oleoresin aus der Alge Haematococcus pluvialis, Beta-Carotin, Calcium-D-pantothenat, Zinkbisglycinat, Mangangluconat, Menachinon-7, Süßungs­mittel: Sucralose; Quercetin, Cholecalciferol, Granatapfel-Extrakt, Traubenkern-Extrakt, Trauben-Extrakt, Oliven­blatt-Extrakt, Citrus-Bioflavonoide, Ingwer-Wurzelextrakt, Löwenzahn-Extrakt, Hopfen-Extrakt, Rosmarin-Extrakt, Thymian-Extrakt, Oregano-Extrakt, Salbeiblatt-Extrakt, Lavendel-Extrakt, Eukalyptus-Extrakt, Fenchel-Extrakt, Astragalus-Wurzelextrakt, Paprika-Extrakt (enthält Zeaxanthin), Lycopin (aus Tomate), Natriummolybdat, Natriumselenit, Pyridoxinhydrochlorid, trans-Resveratrol, Riboflavin, Thiaminmononitrat, Borsäure, Studenten­blumen-Extrakt (enthält Lutein), Safran-Extrakt, Kupferbisglycinat, 5MTHF-Glucosamin, Hydroxoco-balamin, Chrompicolinat, D-Biotin.

**Mit insgesamt 5 Milliarden KBE (Kolonie-bildender Einheiten) pro Stick der Stämme Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus para­casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifido­bacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum.

View full details
  • 91%

    of all testers favored BIOGENA ONE

  • 89%

    of the favorers rated the taste of apple and kiwi as pleasant

  • 81%

    of the favorers rated the sweetness as "just right"

  • 95%

    would continue using ONE and recommend as #thebetterone

Pure substances, a great taste

Less blah blah, more facts. At Biogena, we value honesty, quality, and continuity. That's why we follow our pure-substance-principle for almost 20 years.

  • No sugar
  • No gluten
  • No milk
  • No nuts
  • No artific. dye
  • No pesticides

Full transparency on our ingredients


  • Vitamin A (µg RA) 600 µg (75% NRV*)
  • Vitamin D3 25 µg - 1000 IU. (500% NRV*)
  • Vitamin E (mg α-TE) 15 mg (125% NRV*)
  • Vitamin K2 25 µg (33% NRV*)
  • Vitamin C 320 mg (400%*NRV)
  • Thiamine 3.3 mg (300% NRV*)
  • Riboflavin 4.2 mg (300%*NRV)
  • Niacin (mg NE) 48 mg (300% NRV*)
  • Vitamin B6 4.2 mg (300% NRV*)
  • Folic acid (5MTHF-glucosamine) 300 µg (150% NRV*)
  • Vitamin B12 7.5 µg (300% NRV*)
  • Biotin 150 µg (300% NRV*)
  • Pantothenic acid 18 mg (300% NRV*)

Minerals & trace elements

  • Potassium 300 mg (15% NRV*)
  • Calcium 120 mg (15% NRV*)
  • Magnesium 56 mg (15% NRV*)
  • Zinc 5 mg (50% NRV*)
  • Copper 0.25 mg (25% NRV*)
  • Manganese 2 mg (100% NRV*)
  • Selenium 27.5 µg (50% NRV*)
  • Chromium 20 µg (50% NRV*)
  • Molybdenum 25 µg (50% NRV*)
  • Silicon 10 mg
  • Boron 0.5 mg

Amino acids

  • L-Glutamine 250 mg
  • Glycine 250 mg
  • L-lysine 50 mg

Plant substances

  • Wasabi leaf powder 50 mg
  • Ployphenols (total) 38 mg
  • Glucoraphanin (glucosinolate) 2 mg


  • Astaxanthin 0.5 mg
  • Zeaxanthin 0.5 mg
  • Lutein 0.5 mg
  • Lycopene 0.5 mg


  • Spirulina platensis 300 mg
  • Chlorella 100 mg

Medicinal mushrooms

  • Reishi powder 50 mg
  • Cordyceps powder 20 mg

Other substances

  • Taurine 100 mg
  • UbiquinolCoQ10 (KANEKA Ubiquinol™ 30 mg
  • Beta glucans 20 mg
  • Quercetin 10 mg
  • trans-resveratrol 5 mg

(Legal Information)

*% of the reference quantity according to EU Regulation 1169/2011.

100% vegan. Without colorings, according to the law without preservatives. Suitable for diabetics. Not an organic product according to Regulation (EU) 2018/848.

KANEKA Ubiquinol™ is a registered trademark of KANEKA Corp.

What to expect from BIOGENA ONE

If you're struggling with keeping a healthy diet with enough vitamins, minerals and the like, ONE can support you in closing the gap. It was developed to support you in the following areas:

  • Mental Fitness

    Vitamins such as Vitamin B6 and Niacin, and the mineral magnesium, contribute to a normal-functioning nervous system.

  • Immune System

    Vitamins like A, C, D as well as the minerals zinc, copper and selenium support the normal function of your immune system.

  • Body Strength

    Vitamin B6 and B12 and minerals like Calcium and Magnesium support the maintenance of normal bones.

  • Energy Levels

    Riboflavin, Vitamin B6 and B12 and minerals like Calcium and Magnesium support the energy metabolism of your body.

  • Digestion

    Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.

  • Healthy Aging

    Vitamin C and E, and minerals like Manganese and Selenium contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

What our customers say